Solving problems through the practical application of human factors.

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    Effective Error Reduction Strategies for Mission-Critical Industries

    Errors are part of our humanness but we can reduce human error by applying our understanding of error causal factors. I can assess your operations, make recommendations, and develop a comprehensive program for error reduction. Reducing the number of human errors reduces waste, increases productivity and enhances safety.

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    Vectors for Safety

    Since the early 2000"s I have operated my safety initiative which I call "Vectors For Safety." It has grown exponentially over the years and eventually needed to be on a seperate website. See upcoming events, videos, online courses and much more. Visit VectorsForSafety.com.

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    Event Speaker


    Whether you need a keynote speaker, a seminar leader, workshop facilitator, or simply a humorous talk about my experiences in the aviation industry, I can help. I have done hundreds of live speaking engagements. My style is dynamic and high energy. Nobody will be snoozing.


    My experience includes five consecutive years as a speaker at the NBAA annual convention, speaker at the National Safety Forum, the TBMOPA convention, a regional convention of the International 99's, plus hundreds of local FAA Safety Seminars throughout the Eastern U.S.

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    Webinar or Remote Presentations


    I have extensive experience is delivering high quality programs remotely. I have presented more than 500 webinars and remote speaking events on a variety of topics. Attendees can view from wherever they need to be or the presentation can be viewed by a large audience at a single venue. Or, groups at diverse locations can view simultaneously. Just about anything is possible with today's technology. I can handle the technical parts and you can save substantially on the cost.

    Books by Gene Benson


    My passion for human factors as they relate to reducing errors, especially in aviation, has led me to writing. I recently published a book I have been working on for more than a year. Titled, "50 Years of Flying Insights," I attempted to share some of the things I have learned during my flying and flight instructing career. I included many anecdotes along with the lessons I learned through them.


    I have also written many articles over the years and I am in the process of collecting my favorites and publishing them in the form of e-books. Please click the button below to see the books on Amazon.

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    Personal Safety Audit

    I offer a personal safety audit for pilots of all experience levels. Via Zoom meeting, we discuss recurrent training, establishing personal minimums and/or Flight Risk Assessment Tools, human factors training, and whatever else the pilot would like to discuss related to safety. Fee: $150 for up to one hour session.

  • New eBook Added to Series

    Thoughts on Being a Better, Safer Pilot - Vol. 3

    Thoughts on Being a Better, Safer Pilot - Vol. 3

    This is the third volume of my Aviation Safety Series. This volume includes 15 selected articles that have appeared as "Gene's Blog" in the monthly publication "Vectors for Safety."


    Available on Amazon for $3.99.

    See all my books on my Amazon Author Page

    Thoughts on Being a Better, Safer Pilot - Vol. 3

    Thoughts on Being a Better, Safer Pilot - Vol. 3

    This is the third volume of my Aviation Safety Series. This volume includes 15 selected articles that have appeared as "Gene's Blog" in the monthly publication "Vectors for Safety."


    Available on Amazon for $3.99.

    See all my books on my Amazon Author Page

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    About Me

    I am passionate about helping people to be better and safer.

    I am an error-reduction and human factors specialist. I spent more than 40 years in the aviation industry and have accumulated more than 15,000 accident/incident free flying hours. I have flown everything from Cubs to jets and have taught hundreds of people to fly and earn advanced ratings. I piggybacked my aviation career on my academic education in psychology and education. I helped in the development of Crew Resource Management from its inception to the successful systems we have today. For the last twelve years, I have worked with various industries to adapt successful error-reduction methods to other mission-critical operations.

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    Bright Spot Schools

    With a professional background in collegiate education, I am committed to a high standard in the training aspect of my consulting.

    My consulting work is done through a New York State corporation, Bright Spot, Inc. The education wing of that company is a division called "Bright Spot Schools." Bright Spot is proud to have recently added a new division, "Being Better Academy." Check out Bright Spot Schools.

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